Knowing the truth will help you keep your bones strong.Osteoporosis is not serious enough for me to worry about.
Osteoporosis is serious because it progressively, yet silently, weakens our bones to the point that any movement, even a bump or fall, can cause a painful, debilitating fracture of the hip, spine or other bones. Chronic pain and disability are lasting effects of osteoporosis that can permanently change the way you live, work and enjoy your free time. One frequent outcome of osteoporosis is hip fracture, which each year causes nearly as many deaths in the United States as all motor vehicle accident fatalities. Learn what you can do now. It is never too late to start preventative measures to combat osteoporosis because osteoporosis can be prevented and treated.
I’m a healthy person, I do the right things. I’m not at risk.
Unfortunately, we can’t feel how strong our bones are. That’s why osteoporosis is called a “silent thief.” Without knowing it, you could be losing bone mass even if you think you’re doing the right things, including exercise and eating a calcium-rich diet. Osteoporosis is increasingly widespread. One in two women and one in five men have a lifetime risk of developing fractures from osteoporosis and experiencing the loss of vitality and independence that accompany this disease.. Furthermore, there are certain medical conditions which may result in accelerated bone thinning. Your doctor can help you learn more about what factors place people at risk for osteoporosis and what you can do to stop excessive bone loss.
I’m too young to worry about osteoporosis now.
It’s never too early to prevent osteoporosis. Building strong bones and keeping them strong gives you a head start when bone loss occurs. The fact is that bone is a living, growing tissue which constantly reforms. When bone loss is excessive, such as when women lose the protective effects of estrogen following menopause, osteoporosis may develop. This is why women are at greater risk for osteoporosis and fractures that result from it. Many of the things you can do to build strong bones and prevent bone loss also can contribute to your overall health. Remember, osteoporosis doesn’t just happen when you’re “old”, it gets started years, even decades, earlier.
It’s too late for me to do anything about osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is defined as excessive loss of bone tissue. Bones break when they become thin and weak. Although bones loss is a natural aging process, it’s never too late to take steps to slow or stop the further loss of bone. The time to detect osteoporosis is now, before so much bone is lost that debilitating fractures occur. If you are diagnosed with osteoporosis, your doctor can prescribe a diet and exercise program tailored to your needs. There are also several medications, including estrogen, raloxifene, risedronate, alendronate and calcitonin, currently available to prevent further bone loss, help you preserve an active lifestyle and avoid the consequences of osteoporosis.
Additional therapies also are being researched, such as other bisphosphonates, sodium fluoride, parathyroid hormone and vitamin D. maximize bone strength and minimize bone loss.
Talk to your doctor about steps you can take.
Source: National Osteoporosis Foundation
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