Exercise And Therapy is the cornerstone of treatment for a variety of common ailments including osteoarthritis, spinal problems and sports related injuries. Often physical inactivity and lack of exercise is the basis for abnormal pain cycles and poor recovery. Physical or Occupational therapy-guided exercise can be remarkably effective in acute, sub-acute and chronic pain states. Although specific exercises can often be found throughout the internet, books and handouts, exercises directed by a therapist is often the most safe and effective method to initiate an exercise regime. Once these exercises are learned by the patient, a continuation of the exercise program is necessary for long-term health and maintaining the improvements.
A complete exercise program not only includes specific back exercises, but also an aerobic fitness program, a weight-loss program (if necessary), and improved dietary habits. Weight training can be added to this program, but should only be performed under the guidance of a physical or exercise therapist in order to get proper exercise mechanics when recovering from an injury or during a painful episodes.
Contact Us
13710 Olive Boulevard (Primary Office)
Chesterfield, MO 63017
Telephone: 314-469-PAIN (7246)
Fax: 314-469-7251
Exchange: 314-441-6965 (for after-hour Emergencies Only)
Monday thru Friday
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM